2001 AQHA/APHA Black Pearl Mare
Ee aa nPrl
Sire: Mighty Awesome x Barlink Macho Man
Mighty Awesome earned 149 Halter Points, APHA Superior Halter, 1993 APHA World Champion Halter Yearling Stallion , World & Res World Ch Halter Sire
Barlink Macho Man - 2016 APHA HALL OF FAME SIRE INDUCTEE, APHA Sire of (Yth/Open/Amat)APHA: Approx H-13,000/P-12,500 Pts, 25 APHA Ch, 20 APHA World/20 APHA Reserve World Ch Hlt/Perf, 7 Versatility Champions, 1 Superior All Around, 1 APHA Supreme Champion, 55 Producing broodmares of WC/RWC APHA/AQHA,
53 Times Grand Champion Halter, 30 Times Reserve Grand Champion Halter, 1983 NATIONAL SHOW, 1984 NATIONAL SHOW, 1984 NATIONAL HONOR ROLL CHAMPION
Dam: Shes Unforgettable x Mr. Conclusion
Mr. Conclusion has 99 Halter Points, ROM Halter, #1 Leading AQHA Sire of World Champion halter horses, 1986 AQHA World Champion Aged Stallion, 1985 AQHA Reserve World Champion 3YO Stallion, 1983 Top Ten World Show Yearling Stallion Quarter Horse Congress